Skyla Brownoak Character in Toriel | World Anvil

Skyla Brownoak

Skyla is the leader of the Brownoak family, and the mastermind behind their influential trade of jewelry across Tana's Empire, and even beyond as they recently opened a remote shop in Oakhearth.  


Daughter of an important knight, Skyla was the wife of a rich and noble man working in the trade of jewelry. They met each other as her father was tasked to lead troops to the Crystal Lake to get resources for her future husband's father.   Skyla quickly displayed impressive talent and a knack for trading, taking command of the Brownoak commerce in the shadow. The couple also had three children.   her role brutally changed when, during a journey back from a mine under their possession, the couple was attacked and robbed, the bandits killed her husband and left her with a scar across her face.   Without the burden to work from the shadow, Skyla made the trade of her family expand, reaching never seen before size.  

Family tree

Skyla Brownoak

Lawful Good
Year of Birth
1051 AD 85 Years old

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski
Character Portrait image: Skyla by June Jenssen


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