Silva Character in Toriel | World Anvil


Spirit of the Forest

Silva is a towering treant and the spirit of forest. He was nearly killed by the Great Extinction that destroyed his home, and most of Toriel, surviving only through the waters of life infused within his heartwood.  


The spirit of the forest, Silva is as old as Toriel's forest. He took the form of a treant, with his tall body covered in bark and long limbs resembling branches. Silva felt the profound loneliness of the land and its potential for teeming growth. He wandered Toriel in search of signs of life, growing ever more forlorn in his solitude.   On a hilly isle covered in soft, rich soil, Silva sensed a boundless energy radiating from deep beneath the ground. He plunged his great roots downward until they reached a spring of magical, life-giving water and drank deeply. From this potent liquid, he grew dozen of saplings and planted them, creating the World Tree Woods, its Magic spreading outward, creating the Calames Jungle up north, and dozen of other forests.   Soon the land was shawled with verdant forests, groves of towering virenpine, and tangled woods, all steeped in wondrous magic. Magnificent skytrees with expansive canopies and thickly winding roots covered the world with lush green foliage. Animals reveled in the fertile greenery.   When mortals eventually came to the islands, they too thrived in the land's abundance and formed society of scholars devoted to studying the world's mysteries. Though Silva was wary of their presence, he saw how they respected the sanctity of the land. Sensing the deep magic within the woods. Silva occasionally revealed himself directly to those he trusted and blessed them with knowledge of the verdant isles.   With the great extinction, as the ruination spread, Silva desperately plunged his roots deep into the ground and drank of the healing waters, saturating every fiber of his being with their magic. the cataclysm wipping the magic water off, and almost killing the forest spirit. Silva watched in helpless agony as all he knew - plants, nature spirits, animals, and mortals alike - died to the catastrophe. Silva's heartwood was saturated with the precious waters of life, saving him from the terrible fate of the great extinction.


(Spirit of the forest)

Spirit of the forest
Neutral Good


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