Salomon of Holypertuis Character in Toriel | World Anvil

Salomon of Holypertuis

Salomon is an ancient royal guard, now retired, he serves as the king's bodyguard, an honor bestowed upon him as a token of the king's friendship.  


Physical features

The scars and bitemarks that crisscross the old man’s arms, neck, and face tell the story of a man that not only lived into his old age but barely survived to see it. You wonder how many generations of armor he outlived before donning the patchwork suit of leather and metal plate he wears today. Though his posture is stooped, the muscles in his forearms that flex with each impatient tap of a finger against a leatherbound journal remind you of the enduring strength of a mighty oak. A well-kept and well-used longsword hangs at his hip, a patch of tarnish over the plate evidence of a hundred hurried draws. Sensing your appraisal, he flashes a grin before vocalizing an exaggerated humph. Shifting his attention away from you, he brushes back a wavy forelock of gray hair behind an ear, his left hand protectively over the hilt of his sword.  


Previously general of the royal guard, leading the elite troops of Castle Goldleaf, Salomon was tasked by the previous empress herself to protect her son and heir of her power, Charle III. A task Salomon accomplished brilliantly, following the future emperor's every move, protecting him from multiple threats over the years. When the king was crowned the new emperor, Saloon retired, enjoying a peaceful life, and an unhealthy drinking habit.   But the elite guard missed the thrill of his ancient work, known by most as a fearsome swordsman, none was to challenge his might, and the man grew bored of this life. Now protecting the king as his personal bodyguard, he is independent and free in his work, not bound to the administration of the royal guards, he is just a friend that helps the emperor, and is free to come and go as he pleases. Refusing any chain that may anchor him to the bureaucracy of administration he dislike so much, he refused to be made a noble.

Salomon of Holypertuis

Former general of the royal guard
Chaotic Good

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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