Kalashtar Species in Toriel | World Anvil


Kalashtar are a Human whose soul is separated from their physical body. THeir soul ake the form of a presence they can feel, many call their soul spirits, thinking the kalashtar have a ability to comprehend and connect with spirits, but Kalashtar call this Quori, and consider it as a part of themself. — Kalashtar are often seen as wise, spiritual people with great compassion for others.  


Kalashtar tends to not be religious as they prefer to commune with their spirit and ask them for guidance, however, the primal spirit of the kalashtar, Karma is often revered by the Kalashtar.  


Physical features

Althrough the kalashtar the presence they feel to be a spirit of light, this presence is their soul dissociated from their bodies. When reaching adulthood this spirit can take on the for, of a small mote of light in certain individual, but is generally invisible.   Kalashtar appear human, but their dissociated soul affects them in a variety of ways. Kalashtar have symmetrical, slightly angular features, and their eyes often qppeqr devoid of emotion and empty.   Kalashtar connections with their souls grants the; minor psionic abilities, as well as protection from psychic attacks.

Kalashtar Names

A kalashtar name adds a personal prefix to the name of the quori spirit within the kalashtar. Such names have no relation to the kalashtar’s gender. Kalashtar orphans are unlikely to know the name of their spirit and take names from another source.   Quori Names: Ashana, Ashtai, Ishara, Hareth, Khad, Kosh, Melk, Nari, Tana, Tari, Tash, Ulad, Vakri, Vash   Kalashtar Names: Coratash, Dalavash, Dolishara, Halakosh, Khoratari, Koratana, Lanhareth, Molavakri, Nevitash, Sorashana, Torashtai, Valakhad, Vishara  

Additional/Modified traits

Light soul. You know the light cantrip.  


After the Great Extinction, very few humans survived, and some of those who survived had their soul riped off their body, this lead to a dissociation that drove many to madness, but a rare few managed to survive, and to apprehend this speciality as a boon. The kalashtar are a wandering tribe, walking across Toriel.

General Information
Scientific name
Homo sapiens spiritus
Geographic Distribution
Green Earth
Average Lifespan
Less than a century
Average Height
1.8 m
Average Weight
60 kg

Cover image: geist honored monk by Clintcearley


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