The Dicing Tradition / Ritual in Tor | World Anvil

The Dicing

As the sun slowly fades away past the horizon, a single light flickers in the distance, not of the amber color of fire, but of the soft blue of the sea. slowly more and more lights blip into view as a cascade of aqua colored wisps drift from the east to the west. When these lights finally drift above, it becomes clear that these are no wisp or bird, but jelly fish... flying jelly fish. Coming in clumps, like waves of the sea, these creatures slowly pulse and drift with the natural wind currents, some even staying in one spot for a long time, before a gust brings them back to their family. As these creatures pass over head, every soul in Kare'Gora gazes up in wander, and readies them selves for the night of the dicing.