The Iron Brotherhood Organization in Tollomai | World Anvil
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The Iron Brotherhood

A stranger lot there never was, even in a world like this. Atsrael the Iron Eye is one of the few Ascendants to never get snatched up by the Godhunter. Maybe it’s just because he’s harmless, or maybe it’s because he’s never seemed to care to fight for power. They say he just lives in the mountains to the north, between Silica and Ars Arjin, looking at sunrises and spouting nonsense. It must make some sense to someone, though, since he’s got his whole cult of spooks listening to everything he says. It doesn’t pay to fuck with the Iron Brotherhood. In more ways than one, cousin. They give away all their material wealth when they put on the robes and tear out their own tongues and throats to replace with that weird silver-iron metal Atsrael makes, so they don’t have anything worth taking anyway. And whatever it is that keeps them from dying without anything for breathing makes ‘em strong as oxes. I saw one rip a man’s arm clean off. No lie, cousin.   They do make great friends, if you can get one to take a liking to you on accounts of them not being able to speak. Atsrael doesn’t say much about the world, on accounts of him being near six thousand years old, but he does say that he and his don’t follow the laws of any nation. Lots of nobles around hate that, wish he would bend his knee, but for us it’s a safe haven. You need to lay low after a job, find yourself a Iron Brother.

Public Agenda

The Iron Brotherhood seeks to acquire knowledge and artifacts from Ancient Si'yla. Atsrael reads everything and uses it to advance his own wisdom.


Founded over six thousand years ago, the Iron Brotherhood are a group of monks, scholars, and vagrants lured by the promise of power and knowledge handed down from their own old man on the mountain.

El Servitum Ferris

Founding Date
3843 AS
Religious, Cult
Iron Brother
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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