Mount Gleamshard Geographic Location in Tollomai | World Anvil
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Mount Gleamshard


Above even the highest peaks of the range that was brought from the earth by the Archmage's magic, Mount Gleamshard is visible as far south as Ars Silica's northern slums. It's entire top third is a clear crystal, which reflects the light of the sun and moons. The Iron Brotherhood has carved steps into the side of the mountain, which has done little to make it easier to climb.

Fauna & Flora

Only hardy plants can grow on the mountains, but they support a bevy of small mammal life which in turn support a population of avian carnivores. There are wyverns and other dragonoids in some parts of the mountains.

Natural Resources

Magecrystal, Powerstone, and iron.
Alternative Name(s)
The Crystal Spike
Mountain / Hill
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
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