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Basic Information


Pteranodons, when standing on all fours, are about the same height as a standard human, around 2 meters (6 feet) tall. Their wingspan can be 7 meters (23 feet) wide, and allows for the longform gliding necessary to conserve energy as they travel to a battlefield. Their large beak is counterbalanced by a crest on the back of the skull, one that is much larger and much more brightly colored on males than females.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pterodactyls hatch from rather small eggs and grow rapidly in the first year of their life, attaining their full growth before they turn two.

Ecology and Habitats

They live on the cliffs of the Synal Mountains, typically near large rivers or lakes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pteranodons primarily eat large river fish, either catching the fish themselves, or being served fish raised on a farm by the atendents of the Pteranodon Air Corps.

Additional Information


Early on in their domestication, Pteranodons were selectively bred to be larger and able to carry more weight than thier wild ancestors. When the Pteranodon Air Corps were first established, Ignacia, the first Arch of Ignus granted the domesticated individuals the ability to breathe fire to increase their battlefield prowess, a trait that was passed down to their decendents.

Average Intelligence

While not considered sentient, they are considered one of the smarter species of domesticated animal on all of Tilandrial. Some Riders even assert the Pteranodons are sentient, but this has yet to be proven.
60 to 120 years, depending on the rider.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pteranodons have a base color of a yellow ochre. Their wings are dappled with either a dark red or dull green blotches. Males have brightly colored crests, usually consisting of reds and greens in blotches and stripes. Females tend to have duller crests, and the patterns tend to be the same color as the wing blotches.
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by Pexels


Author's Notes

Written for the Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2021 prompt: Tell us about a species of working animal in your setting.

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