Hunter on High Rank/Title in Tilandrial | World Anvil
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Hunter on High

The Hunter on High is the highest ranking official in the Hunter organization.


The Hunter on High can only come from the ranks of Master Hunter.


Idealy, the Hunter on High would be a master of Ignus magic, since vampires are strangely weak to fire. A master of any element can attain this rank, although historically, the other seven elements are not as well represented.


When the old Hunter on High dies, a convocation of Master Hunters and Hunters who have been at this rank for at least seven years convene and debate on which Master Hunter should become the next Hunter on High. Oftentimes, the now deceesed Hunter on High has shown favoritism towards one or a few Master Hunters, and typically it is out of this small group the next Hunter on High is chosen.   Only one Hunter on High has ever formally retired before dying - Briella. She herself appointed her successor, and it is assumed that, should another retire, the Hunter on High themselves would chose who follows.


All Hunters on High are expected to show no fear when faced with death, and no favoritism when assigning hunts for rogues.


The Hunter on High rarely ever goes on actual hunts, unless the vampire or lycanthrope is considered exceedingly dangerous. More often than not, he is more used for public appearances and assigning members to rogue vampires or lycanthropes.


A Hunter on High receives a part of any bounty paid to the Hunter or Hunters who took care of a rogue attacking a city.

Cultural Significance

The Hunter on High is considered nobility by the citizen of Ythal, and as such, they never have to pay for anything in the city.

Notable Holders

Briella: She was the first woman to hold the title, and, to date, the only one to have retired before death.
Length of Term
Related Locations
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Cover image: by Pexels


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