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Ananda, the First Arch of Aquas

Arch Ananda

Ananda is the first and to date is the only Arch of Aquas. She is the only surviving dragon of the Great War. Like all dragons, she can breathe fire, but she also has ice breath that can freeze anything in an instant.

Divine Domains

Aquas, the element of water

Physical Description

Body Features

Her scales transition from a pale white to a deep blue depending on the time of the year. White as it gets colder, for snow, and blue as it gets warmer, for the ocean.

Facial Features

Ananda's face is very streamlined, with the back of her head and jaw being wider and the muzzle coming almost to a point. She has two backwards pointing horns.

Special abilities

Like all other dragons, she can breathe fire, but she also has an ice breath that can freeze one solid. She can utilize any and all Aquas magic.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Since she saw all her siblings die and the land she helped to create become ravaged by war, she has gone a little insane. She answers prayers on a whim, with the silliest request being just as likely granted as a life-changing one.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Arch of Aquas
Year of Birth
1 1290 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Her egss hatched during a storm of monsoon proportions, on the beach of the ocean

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Cover image: by Pexels


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