The Avem Natandi Vehicle in Thysia | World Anvil
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The Avem Natandi

The ship owned by Captain Abigail Hawk , this ship is a large ferry that acts as both a civilian transportation vehicle and a deliverer of precious cargo. It is a rather luxurious ship (with a bar on deck and high class upper levels) but is also known to be moderately well defended whilst it's captain is known to be a woman with a reputation for deep pockets and a strong knowledge of the law across Thysia. The ship notably was built in Thalasia as part of a new fleet of travel ships by The Stargell family.

Power Generation

The ship is powered by a wide range of engineers and gears that push the ship forward, each engineer is a capable mage who uses fire based spells and wind based spells to ensure the gears are constantly running smoothly and consistently. Especially important considering their fragility and the concerns around one gear going wrong could ruin the engine.

Armor and defense

The ship is not well armoured or fitting with cannons or ballista but has a skilled and responsive guard presence.
The Avem
The Thalasian Sails
Owning Organization
Current location


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