Yuginted - Class Flying Disc Vehicle in THF Universe | World Anvil

Yuginted - Class Flying Disc

The Yunginted class flying disc is a large, crewed destroyer - like disc of the Hyperion Federation. Features several large retractable quark-gluon plasma cannons, putting this class of disc into an anti heavy role. It also has several Photon Cannon CIWS weapons and chaingun secondary weapons. It has a crew of 27 and diameter of about 30 m. Although this makes it smaller than the Cela - Class Flying Disc, it is actually slower because a lot of its systems are taken up by heavy weaponry. They also cant move at high velocity and fire simultaneously due to the limited power output of its antimatter drive. They are also decently armoured with TGX Composite, though not very heavily so for its size. This is to save on weight. It relies more heavily on a gravielectromagnetic field shield and its hardlight barrier. These have seen action in the 2nd battle of Ralenat, where the HEX Mainframe  deployed a large quantity of their own Antigravity Tracked Vehicle ATVs and other flying vehicles, the yuginted class was tasked with destroying them. The hex armour adapted to the quark-gluon plasma, so the hf deployed other units in that battle.
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