Eprus - Class Airship Carrier Vehicle in THF Universe | World Anvil

Eprus - Class Airship Carrier

An airship relying on a strong Taidakic Field to float, used by the Hyperion Federation.   Named after the Tebburus continent on which a very large space elevator is built.   The Eprus - Class is a large airship capable of carrying a large armament of Flying Discs, air based fighters or even taidakic field drones. Even if the enemy can take these on, an Eprus - Class is also armed with an array of very large and powerful cannons which are known to hit targets across continents. It also comes with missiles, and railguns similar to those used on the Takanal - Class.   This specialises in long range firepower and recon and can be a valuable asset to a HF landing force. They can be used for long range force deployment as well with dropships. They are fast, airborne, well armoured and very powerfully armed. They are also typically escorted by Takanal - Class Airship Destroyers, Coara - Class Airship Flak Frigates, Zekolons and other flying assets. Combined, an Eprus - Class assault fleet can form a very powerful punch that is capable of breaking even the most well fortified areas.   Movement is provided by 5 large photon thrusters. As these are highly powerful, and the air has little resistance, this makes the airship fast. It also has a large amount of smaller adjustment thrusters placed in many areas of the hull which allows it to strafe, yaw, pitch and roll.   It can climb altitude very fast. If it points upwards so that its main drive outputs its force upwards and uses the kaidaton collider on high power, both will cause a strong force that sends the ship upwards. This is known as an emergency climb. This has been used several times to retreat into orbit.   It is capable of space travel, however, the crew cannot leave the ship and perform operations on the deck. Additionally, it has no FTL drive, which makes logistics difficult. Planetary Assault Ships have often been used for this purpose.

Power Generation

The crew can also be deployed on deck and perform duties on the exterior hull of the ship. It is powered by 2 antimatter annihilation cores. These are well armoured because if they are disabled, the kaidaton particle collider will be disabled. This will cause the ship to stop producing kaidatons and slowly fall under gravity. This method means that it requires no Aetherium to construct however.

Armor and defense

It is well shielded and armoured. Due to this, it is nearly impossible to destroy using only light and medium AA. A heavy anti air weapon needs to be used to penetrate its very strong armour. It also has multiple photon cannnons as CIWS weapons.
Owning Organization
500 m


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