'Phion' Rifle Item in THF Universe | World Anvil

'Phion' Rifle

A large, long barreled sniper rifle of the Hyperion Federation. The phion rifle was named after a hypothetical particle that was eventually proven to not exist.    The rifle fires a very high intensity particle beam at the target (electrons are used specifically), and can counter recoil effectively using a large shock absorber on the stock. It also has a very accurate scope and leading is not required due to the relativistic velocity of the particles.    The weapon is powered by a very small Antimatter battery. As such, the weapon has a limited ammo capacility.   However, the weapon is large and unwieldy to carry and cannot collapse down into a smaller space. HF H-37 Cyber Suits are commonly used to assist carrying and aiming it, allowing users to sprint across the battlefield with the weapon. Due to the weight, the designers made it back heavy.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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