'Deathmark' Sniper Rifle Item in THF Universe | World Anvil

'Deathmark' Sniper Rifle

A highly accurate sniper rifle used by the Cypher Dominion. The Deathmark is capable of detecting heat signatures using the thermal imaging mode of its scope. This makes it very easy to detect enemy infantry and vehicles.   This rifle is capable of sending a highly powerful neutron blast at very high velocity thanks ot its powerful gravitational field. As these high energy neutrons interfere with biological matter significantly, they have been known to create large holes in organic targets. Furthermore, neutrons are difficult to block with some types of shield. Hardlight shields are the most effective at blocking neutrons such as these.   The weapon was developed following a requirement to upgrade the ageing previous sniper rifle of the CD. This was brought around as the Hyperion Federation rapidly improved their technology.
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