The Mage Isles Geographic Location in The World Within Walls | World Anvil
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The Mage Isles

Located northwest of the The Bonelands lies the cluster of isles known as the the Mage Isles, a land where magic and skill reign supreme. Unlike most other lands in the known world, the Mage Isles is home to many different leylines that overflow with magical power. These leylines, or as the locals call them Fountains, have drawn in both people and monsters from around the world. To protect the Fountains and the world itself the nation of Ellcria was founded to govern the Mage Isles. Thanks in part because of the abundance of natural magic, the Mage Isles are home to the largest population of magic users.


Comprised primarily of three large islands, the Mage Isles is home to beautiful beaches, colorful coral reefs, and the Silver Forest.

Fauna & Flora

Over the ages the natural magic flowing from the Fountains has imbued the flora with unique magical properties and attracted various magical creatures and monsters.
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of Magic
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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