The Bonelands Geographic Location in The World Within Walls | World Anvil
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The Bonelands

Across the Maelstrom Sea from Virasia lies the continent known as the Bonelands, a desolate and brutal land. With the exception of the Grand Tree, it is impossible to find plant life in the Bonelands as plants simply wither and die shortly after being planted or brought over. Because of this the people and creatures here are primarily carnivores and in some cases cannibals. One can also find a large number of lithovores or creatures who live off of minerals and metals. These creatures often find themselves at the bottom of the food chain.   Now given the harsh environment of the Bonelands you would typically expect the people of the land to have long since moved to a more habitable land but that is not the case. The Bonelands are rich in minerals and metals and has quite a few materials that are unique to the continent. Because of this many people choose to live here for the sake of making money. This is the reason behind the sole settlement of the continent, the city of Orilar. While there are other people who live here besides the people of Orilar, calling them civilized may be a bit of stretch. There are some tribes of people who view the continent as their ancestral home use that as their reason to stay.

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