The Temple of The One in The World of Velen | World Anvil

The Temple of The One

Holy House

The temple of the One is her house, which she shares with her most trusted advisors, which all play an important role within the temples, and the nation's governance, so the One herself may focus on other matters. It is a grand structure built from stone, with many different sections. In the center lies a grand garden adorned with water fountains. This sacred dwelling is nestled in the heart of the Akrotiri peninsula in the western part of the island, near the city of Cydonia. Surrounded by the region's natural dry brushland environment, occasional patches of trees accentuate the sanctity of the temple's surroundings.  


The temple serves as not only the residence of the One but also as the capital for the nation of Crete. Pilgrims from far and wide are drawn to its sacred halls. Though men are restricted from entering the temple itself, a sprawling park surrounds the temple, featuring statues of both the One and the great Gaia. This park is a haven for pilgrims of both sexes, where pilgrims engage in peaceful prayer, surrounded by the aura of sacred history.  

The City

The Archpriestess, adamant about maintaining peace and privacy, has discouraged settlements too close to her temple. This policy has allowed the nearby city of Cydonia to flourish as the island's largest, serving as the primary military and trade hub, housing most of their fleet and army, as well as the headquarters for both.  


The temple's origins are shrouded in time, beginning as a modest tribute to Gaia. It underwent multiple reconstructions and expansions, especially during the when the tenure of the One as Archpriestess first started. In its early days, the temple was a simple structure surrounded by gardens. It was only with the passage of time that influence grew stronger, and spread further.   Legend says that the city of Cydonia, which is now thoroughly connected with the temple, was originally founded by king Cydos, the ruler of the region at the time, back then there were no large kingdoms yet, and the world was divided among city-states.   While the One has full authority over the island now, and has had so for centuries, this was not always the case, as in its early days, it was just a temple, with some gardens around it, but over time, as the monarchies of the island weakened, some towns decided to pledge themselves to the arch priestess, the One, who would lead them to more fruitful times, and she has mostly succeded in doing this.   Cydonia was one of the first major settlements to pledge themselves to the One, having been able to see the growth of the fertility of the land around the temple up close, and having had their sick and injured having been healed by the One's great power for time immemorial.  

The One's Activities

Due to her position as an important political figure, she frequently embarks on diplomatic missions and reviews harvest reports, and many such matters. However, despite her busy political schedule, the One remains dedicated to religious duties. Rituals to Gaia are organized regularly, open to all women. Additionally, the One continues to accept requests to nurture infants for mothers unable to do so themselves. Such children are celebrated. Being fed from the One's own breast is considered a great honor, and the most powerful of blessings.


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