Heart of the World Organization in The World of the Guardian Dragon | World Anvil

Heart of the World

Heart of the World is a lively island state in the western parts of lands of Agar. It's perhaps best known for the large crystal pushing its way through the ground in the middle of the city. The crystals roots are deep underground, and many believe it's one of the most significant sources of magic on Guardian Dragon.  

Government and Hierarcy

  Heart of the World is ruled by the Firstborn elf Ylvada, who's been in the lead of the country ever since the inception of the country. She keeps her distance from her people, and only few have ever seen her face. She has three Guards working under her and keeping Heart of the World safe from dangers: Cityguard, Dragonguard, and Outer Guard.  


  Cityguard upholds order in the city streets and on its walls. Usually, civilians approach them first if they see suspicious people of events, and the usual suspects are familiar faces to them. They also work on the docks, where they are quick to get involved if they see unusual activities, and keep an eye out for new ships and growing names.   At the moment the Guard is led by a half-elven woman, EdlĂ­na Govarot, who's known as a foolhardy individual, but also a skilled swordswoman and a relatively charismatic leader.  


  Most of the communication between the common folk and their leader happens through the Dragonguard. Dragonguard upholds the order of the whole country and its safety, and they can give orders to its other Guards and military sections. It's mainly Dragonguard that is actively responsible for the castle grounds, but they can be sent out to other duties elsewhere in the city or the settlements outside it to lead the forces there. They are also responsible of hunting down potential spies and traitors and bringing them to justice.   Those in the Dragonguard are held in high regard, and they are seen as the best combatants in the country. One cannot apply to it, but might get in after showing potential in an unexpected situation, either through their actions or leardership abilities. They also need to show that they are able to carry the responsibilities that the duty brings, as well as be able to face the challenges and horrors that the position brings with it. Entry to the Dragonguard is a lifelong duty, and fugitives are caught and generally sentenced to death for defection.   Those in the Guard practice both their martial and magical battleskills, thus being better prepared for different opponents.   The Dragonguard is led by Idofin Iverroix, a nearly two-meters tall elven man who's been by Ylvada's side since before she arrived to Heart of the World, and who has the reputation of a sharp-eyed, serious person.  

Outer Guard

  The Outer Guard is mainly responsible for the areas outside the city. They keep an eye out for changes in the surrounding nature and in the behaviour of the beasts, and make regular visits to the volcano of the island to react in time if it starts to awaken. They occasionally give outsiders jobs as hunters in exhange for gold or other rewards.   Its captain is currently a human male, Gaven Sniveton, who's a bad liar on purpose and a man of action, who believes deeds over words.
Geopolitical, Country


Much like with Galinstrann, the elven leader of Heart of the World is aware of the poor treatment of elves of the land. These days, the two nations are at peace, but they have no official treaties of any kind.