The Firstborn in The World of the Guardian Dragon | World Anvil

The Firstborn

The Firstborn are a part of history that not all believe is true, and not all have even heard of them.
  When Firstborn are mentioned in history or songs, the term usually refers to the first sentient creations on the Guardian Dragon, and more specifically, to the ones created there, instead of coming from other realms. There are three races that are commonly agreed to beloning to this group: Humans, Elves, and Dragons, as well as their half-breed offspring. The Firstborn are often believed immortal, though how far down the generations it goes depends on the race of the individual, as both Dragons and Elves have a considerably slower reproduction rate compared to Humans.
  Overtime, the gods realised they could not have the peoples live forever and allow them to reproduce lest they overpopulate the world. Thus they gave the peoples a choice: keep their immortality and let time erase the sound of childrens' laughter from their minds, or become mortal, but allow new generations to experience the world.
  All races eventually chose mortality, and the gods, in exchange, gave them a promise and a gift, latter of which divided the races into the distinctly different ones we now know today.

The Promise: Immortality Kept

  Some of the Firstborn were allowed to keep their immortality, as gods were fond of their first creations and were loathe to see them die by Time's hand. The first three generations of Dragons, five of Elves, and nine of Humans, were allowed to live on as before. This angered many, some Immortal, many Mortal, and as blade and poison could still claim the Firstborn, many fell in the restlessness that followed.
  Overtime, as Firstborn faded into myth and stories, they mostly kept to the shadows. There are some who are less discreet about their status, though it is rarely to boast. There are two Elves that are among students and scholars of the subjects known to be Firstborn, the Ruler of the Heart of the World, and her Captain of the Dragon Guard.

The Gift & Races Divided

  While Dragons have always been a distinct race of its own, Humans and Elves were harder to distinguish between before the Divide. Both were equally likely to be proficient in magic, find thrill in adventure, and have a mind of steel and heart made of courage.
  When the peoples chose mortality, the gods offered in exchange a gift: a natural disposition to magic, with which came a longer lifespan, and a slower rate of reproducing; or a shorter lifespan filled with potential to acchieve anything they set their minds to, and the minds and hearts to match this ambition.
  The leader and the Shapechanger, Agar, chose potential, believing that his people would eventually claim the world as theirs while his brother's would hide away underneath boughs, unable to appreciate the world outside their home. Those that followed him left the islands and sailed North, where they spread over the lands. This line became that which we now call Humans, and some eventually returned South.
  The other leader and the Mage, Árei, chose magic, wishing to live in peace, to explore and understand what shaped the world they lived in. They settled in the verdant Southern lands, where magic permiated everything from sea to land to the skies above. Those who wished on that gift chose to follow him, and this line eventually became what we now know as Elves.