Scythas Character in The World of Many Names | World Anvil
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Scythas was a poor miner. In eastern Teleuce, he plied his trade by finding small ore deposits, like coal, which he then sold at his nearby village. However, when he discovered a deposit of blue gemstones, he realized the possible profit of the mining industry. So, he ventured to the capital, Stemma. There, he met with the boy-king, King Empedocles. Although Empedocles was still young, he could see the profit in such an enterprise, and agreed to Scythas's offer. Scythas's offer was that he be supplied the funds, materials, and men to build a small city at the foot of the Kosmima Mountains. Then, they would mine for gemstones, which they would send to Stemma to be processed and made into jewelry. Within a year, the fruits of this endeavor finally showed.   Empedocles grew rich off the gemstones from the Kosmima Mountains. The city, now Iaspis, bustled with people, hoping to secure a pay in the mining industry. For discovering the gemstones, Empedocles was eternally grateful to Scythas. In fact, three of Scythas's descendants would be named after Scythas.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mining required an intense physical regimen, and Scythas met the expectations necessary. Although a one-man mining business put food on his plate, it brought in nowhere near as much revenue as an entire corporation acting within a mountainside city.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Scythas was once a Teleucian miner who plied his trade in quiet. He searched for ore, most commonly coal, which he then sold at a nearby village. However, all of this changed when a deposit of blue ore was found by Scythas. Suspecting the material to be valuable, Scythas ventured to the capital, Stemma. There, he met with the boy-king Empedocles. Empedocles was young, and easily influenced by Scythas's offers of riches beyond imagine. So, Empedocles offered Scythas the funds, materials, and men to construct a city at the foot of the Kosmima Mountains. This city, or, Iaspis as it was now called, quickly paid twice what it cost to construct. The rapid influx of gemstones into the capital made Empedocles a happy and rich boy-king. For this, he was eternally grateful. Among his descendants, 3 have been named after Scythas.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Perhaps Scythas's greatest and most famous achievement was the construction of the city Iaspis. There, many jewels were brought to the capital after they were mined.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Determined; Thrifty

Vices & Personality flaws

Distant; Zany


Because of how he lived, most frequently, high up in the mountains and far from civilization, he did not take the greatest care of his hygiene. This is what led to many guards being concerned about him when he entered the capital.

Wealth & Financial state

After working on the construction of Iaspis, Scythas became fabulously more wealthy than he was before. In fact, he stood on par with various nobles in terms of wealth. That is, until his inevitable death, when his fortune was divided amongst various ravenous nobles.
Year of Death
928 AC
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Scythas spoke hard Teleucian, unlike Empedocles, who spoke Archaian. Because of this, Empedocles struggled to communicate and understand the miner's rough dialect.

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