Iaspis Settlement in The World of Many Names | World Anvil
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The miner's city.

"I propose the construction of two cities solely for mining, and to be given the funds, laborers, and materials to do so."
— Scythas
  Iaspis is one of 2 mining cities founded by the Teleucians. It was founded following a proposition made by the miner, Scythas.


The people of Iaspis are mostly miners paid to dig and live around the Kosmima Mountains. Their standard of living is rather poor.

Industry & Trade

The people of Iaspis trade the gemstones they mine in the Kosmima Mountains with their overlords, where they are made into fine jewelry. The miners receive a payment for their efforts.


Most Iaspisian infrastructure is to further the goal of mining in the Kosmima Mountains. There are houses, made to house the miners, storehouses, made to store food for the miners, and there are mines, made for mining.


Iaspis is home to many mines, and storehouses filled with grain, mostly barley, and gemstones.


Iaspis was founded by Scythas, a miner who proposed to the Teleucian king Empedocles to construct two cities. Since then, it has faced little turbulence, as few enemies would seek to attack the gemstone capital of the Kingdom of Teleucia.


To the north of Iaspis is the Kosmima Mountains, a snowy mountain range, but to the south is an open expanse of grasses. Both regions are covered in dense snow during the winter.

Natural Resources

Iaspis is home to many geological natural features. However, they do harvest some grain a few kilometers beyond the city's borders to feed the miners.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Jasper
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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