Ser Bernard Richardson Character in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Ser Bernard Richardson

Ser Bernard Richardson (a.k.a. Captain of The Tuly Houseguard)

Ser Bernard Richardson is the Captain of The Houseguard for House Tuly at Arandõr Peak. Ser Bernard Richardson grew up as a stableboy in Nothurst before The Promised War during the rule of King Wyat Tuly the Upholder. During The Promised War, Ser Bernard dreamed of one day becoming a knight and became a member of the Houseguard of House Tuly. Through the years, Ser Bernard became a well respected knight in Oslias and a great guardian of King Conon II and his family. Ser Bernard was named the Castellan if King Conon II Tuly is away from Nothurst, which is quite often but Bernard often follows the King as a guard. Ser Camsell Gross, the Master-of-Arms for Nothurst, acts as the Castellan of Nothurst while Ser Bernard and King Conon II are away.
Year of Birth
266 AMR 51 Years old


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