Ser Camsell Gross Character in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Ser Camsell Gross

Ser Camsell Gross (a.k.a. The Grey Bison)

Ser Camsell Gross is the Master-of-Arms of Nothurst and member of House Tuly household. Ser Camsell Gross served alongside his nephew brother, Lord Beinon Gross, and the Tulys, King Wyat Tuly the Upholder and King Conon II Tuly. Ser Camsell Gross is a grim man who has served House Tuly all of his life but he will serve House Tuly to his death. Ser Camsell's nephew is Lord Beinon Gross, the Lord of Kingshill and bannermen of King Conon II.
Year of Birth
246 AMR 71 Years old


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