Lady Rotalath Krona Character in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Lady Rotalath Krona

Lady Rotalath Krona

Lady Rotalath Krona, daughter of Ser Gregnor Olojor  and Lady Ebwana Krona, was the Lord of Portsmouth and Head of House Krona. Lady Rotalath formerly was the Admiral of the Royal Fleet for King Nesterin Arasatra and King Varitan Arasatra. Lady Rotalath was formerly a loyalist of House Arasatra and lead the Royal Fleet during The Promised War. House Krona has the family tradition of the oldest daughter leading the House and obtaining it titles. King Wyat Tuly the Upholder gave Lady Rotalath the choice of living under the condition that she would go back to Portsmouth and pledge her loyalty to House Tuly as the new Kings of Oslias. Lady Rotalath choose death alongside her father, Ser Gregnor.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
153 AMR 301 AMR 148 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Heir to House Krona


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