Crysten Halton Character in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Crysten Halton

Crysten Halton Stout Halfling that has risen to power within the criminal underworld of Arandõr. She has taken advantage of the growing unrest within Arandõr to further her criminal enterprise, a branch of the mighty Blackpikes crime syndicate. Her expertise lies in smuggling poisons and weapons. She has hired numerous other criminals to run her goods across the city, The Altar and the Northern reaches of The Flatlands of Tuly. Although Crysten Halton is the head of a powerful crime syndicate, she has earned the favor of poor in The Borough and other districts of Arandõr. She has done this by giving back to the community and using her crime syndicate to aid those in need. Crysten Halton's right hand man is Ruvenael Mialee, a High Elf from Kvenöre before its destruction. Crysten never talks about where she is from or her past life.
Year of Birth
265 AMR 52 Years old


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