The Hill Lands Geographic Location in The World of Autara | World Anvil
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The Hill Lands

The Hill Lands is the large hilly and mountainous region to the north of the kingdom of Autara. While legally, it is under the protection and control of the Autaran Queen of Stars, much of the governing is left to local mayors and governors, the latter of which is personally appointed by the Queen.   Most of the production in the area comes from sheep farming and mining and most of the population lives in small towns and villages. The People of the region are called The Hill Landers and are culturally different from the lowland Autarans.   Due to some of the villages and towns being located in more difficult-to-reach places, it is common for steps and roads to be carved into the hills for ease of access and movement. There are also hill forts and other outposts built in the hills to keep an eye on the northern border.

Regions & Locations


Smalholt is one of the largest towns in the Hill Lands and is the capital of the region. It sits in the foothills below the tallest of the highlands. The Town is ruled by an elected Mayor who is a proxy of the Queen of Stars, who makes many of the city's important decisions.   Smalholt is a major source of trade and supplies in the region, with many farmers and the like traveling to the city, and others like it, to sell their harvest and goods as well as to pick up fresh supplies.   The city is made of stone and masonry buildings with thatched or shingled roofs. The Buildings in the city may be multistory, a trait different from many of the buildings in the rest of the region which are single-story.

The Garrison

The Garrison is a base in Smalholt for knights and soldiers, as well as local law enforcement and sheriffs, all of whom work to keep the region safe and orderly as well as organize protection for the northern border. The knights and soldiers living and working at the garrison are not all necessarily from the Hill Lands, with many being from the low lands and some even being from other kingdoms.


The Hill Lands have been part of the Kingdom of Autara for centuries, but despite this, the region has maintained its own regional and cultural identity.
Current Ruler
Queen of Stars (overall)
Governor of the Hill Lands (reigonal)
Map of Autara


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