Tiberius of the Astral Clocktower Character in The World as it Were | World Anvil
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Tiberius of the Astral Clocktower

Tiberius Scaralgraden (a.k.a. Tib)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and slight, androgynous. Relatively fit with a desire to stay healthy.

Facial Features

Soft and untouched, his eyes are small with large eyelashes, small ears.

Identifying Characteristics

Naught much stands out.

Physical quirks

Struggles to look at the very masculine in the eye.

Special abilities

A powerful mage.

Apparel & Accessories

Flowing shirts and voluminous pants, usually wears small leather shoes and elegant leather gloves. Styles himself in the colours of the clocktower, has a penchant of wearing tinkers tools and leather aprons.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

He is rather feminine and due to softer androgynous features he presents as he will.


He prefers the company of women but has the child decided? That is hard to say.


Currently excelling in evocation, war magic and divination magics. He is said to be quite remarkable learning the basics of Empire teachings in three months. Privately Tutored by his Foster Mother.


Bonded to the Astral Clocktower.

Failures & Embarrassments

His time on the streets is social poison.

Mental Trauma

He remembers the pull of hunger and the chill of frost.

Intellectual Characteristics

Exceptional in mind jumping and leaping expertly.

Morality & Philosophy

The clocktower is all and Valasha's will is all.

Personality Characteristics


To serve Valasha and make her proud.


Contacts & Relations

The clocktower provides aid and so shall the colleges.

Family Ties

His foster mother and he are tightly wound.

Religious Views

Does not believe in the dominion of Gods.


Tiberius of the Astral Clocktower

Adopted son (Vital)

Towards Valasha of the Astral Clock Tower



Valasha of the Astral Clock Tower

Foster Mother (Important)

Towards Tiberius of the Astral Clocktower




Tiberius was nothing before the tower now he is the likely successor.

Nicknames & Petnames


Relationship Reasoning

Valasha of the Astral clocktower needed a ward, a protegee. Tiberius was chosen.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The Tower, Arcana, both are proficient Guando and Roses players.

Legal Status

Tiberius is legally the ward of Valasha.

Wealth & Financial state

Owns nothing for himself, Valasha owns everything he does.
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
6634 14 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Quiet in a lost place.
Unknown presumed to be the slums of Coast.
Current Residence
The Astral Clocktower in Charm
Pale Brown
Shoulder height, straightened in a femine style in a light brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
5' 3''
6 st 4 ibs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"To split a second creates enough energy to vaporise steel." "The Clocktower is a great thing and my mother is a great women."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Merlanti, High, Dark, Auran, Teran, Song of the desert, Basic, Capital, High mountain, Trieltan, Borag, Steeple, The Bound, Egalitairian, Vol, Sillian, Steppe, Administrators, Mechan.

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