Mexico Character in The Wild War: Anathema | World Anvil


Elite soldier of Rande's Opponents Neutralization Unit (a.k.a. O.N.U.), Mexico is an officer of the Rande's army. She teamed up with Japan and took care of the chases.   Also called Coatlicue the mother serpent, Mexico is a Half-human, or more properly a 5/6 th of a human with 1/6 th of a snake. Thanks to that, she has a natural affinity with snakes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mexico is a dangerous, beautiful and vicious woman with a very strong personality. Tall and smiling, the top of her body is covered with tattoos that hide her scales.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Former drug lord, she left Robbias after losing a bet against France who then took her to Rande to make her a soldier.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is a poison expert for both healing and killing.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes being elegant and to wear classical men's clothes.


She does not like getting her hands dirty, so she lets others do it most of the time. Because if she cares, she will be bloody, showy and painful. A real carnage, or as America likes to say: a traditional meal.


Contacts & Relations

She has differences with America, but she recognizes her power. We could say that they cooperate, but they will probably kill each other the first chance they have.

Combat style

  She is the most feared in hand-to-hand combat after France. Thanks to her snake blood, she is able to move quickly and accurately. She uses her agility to handle her two axes. When we watch her fight, we have the impression that she is dancing. So some have called his style of combat: the Ghoulish dance. She often poisons her axes with the venom of her own snakes.
by Anastasia Bulgakova
Year of Birth
13951 A.F. 48 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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