Unity Bloc Organization in The Vast Drift | World Anvil
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Unity Bloc

Welcome to the Unity Bloc. We’ve been around for quite some time now, and, to be honest, we know what we’re doing. It’s been 150 long years since our inception and here we are, still truckin’ along. We value the people, conforming to a collective but not straying from our individuality, and killing labor, without killing ambition. We are the beacon of life, liberty, and family.


The Unity Bloc is run by a council of people with no single ruler. This council of people are democratically elected via Single Transferable Vote voting, which then publicly debate over issues which the people then vote on through Direct Democracy. This creates a very open society that are constantly talking about the politics and issues that currently plague the systems; these issues being mostly the problem of resources and how to allocate them, are usually civil and can be spoken objectively on due to a deeply ingrained cultural pressure.

Public Agenda

Acting as a bastion of equality, the Unity Bloc is one of the last places in the entire galaxy that can be truly spouted as "Equal." They know it, and seek to project this knowledge to everywhere. They wish to collect any and all aliens and become the melting pot of the universe.


The Unity Bloc maintains a large though stretched thin fleet mostly composed of at-hire mercenaries from within the Faction. This leads the fleet dynamic to be lead with checks and balances, with no single group being capable of exercising enough power to control the others, and all groups being able to willingly deny orders from the Unity Bloc.


The Unity Bloc is said to be the oldest official Faction in the galaxy, created through the first FTL expedition by Humans, though The Uprising of the Rakkari disputes this, claiming that they are the oldest due to their home system being fully developed before their own.

Demography and Population

The Unity Bloc has a nearly perfect balance of all current species within the galaxy by total population, leading a nearly perfectly equal representation of all cultures and ideals. How they maintain such a near perfect balance is a statistical wonder.

Technological Level

The Unity Bloc has a system of a massive system-sized complex surrounding a Penrose Sphere that turns the holographic information stored on a Blackhole’s surface into energy and then matter, making the single largest megaforge in the Galaxy.

Foreign Relations

The Unity Bloc maintains an active migration treaty with Eden and maintains a permanent state of open borders with The Uprising of the Rakkari - otherwise they mostly keep to themselves.   A rogue element exists with the Unity Bloc's mercenary fleets, occasionally banding together under the largest fleet "Ronin's Marauders." Under this stout man's unity, the fleet will sometimes warp in tens of thousands of ships into the Q1 Proxy war, and absolutely decimate any hostile ships within it, only to warp out. Publically, Ronin takes all the flak, intentionally leading Paragon Horizons and The Dominion away from the Unity Bloc's influence. The official statement on Ronin from both factions - apparently the only thing they agree on - is "Ronin is dumb and he has a dumb beard."


The Unity Bloc maintains the single largest public database, surpassing the Rakkari's Infiniknow network and the High Order's Wikipedia (due to the sheer specificity that the network will reach, named the "Unity Knowledge Network." Said network has hundreds of differing teaching methods of every single topic in existence, from cold hard numbers to stylized comedy-education. Said network is hosted by the Unity Bloc itself, and allows almost anyone to upload their own educational content to it, tagging and categorizing it to be easily found.
The Unity Bloc is the only Faction currently in existence to use two forms of currency as its main form of tender. Aside from the standard Credits, the Faction uses "Welfare Credits" as well, a form of currency that every citizen is granted, that slowly regenerates. These Welfare Credits can be spent on anything that relates to needs, from simple to complex, such as food, water, drugs, housing, therapy, or transportation. A citizen can choose to regain Welfare Credits by shirking items they may not need - such as anti-rad meds, as they are not irradiated - allowing them to spend them on what they do need. This system is often criticized, as while it is excellent at giving the average person what they need, extreme cases are almost exclusively out of luck.
Judicial Body
-Justice is considered truly blind. The dealing of law is dealt is in absolutes. This causes laws to be extremely complicated, but as fair as the general populace thinks they should be.   -Equality programs are outlawed, as equality is considered the default.   -Hired Mercenary fleets are able to request any and all internal records of corporate or private bodies, and hold authority to raid, try, and imprison those in breach of the law.   -All citizens of the Unity Bloc have a social credit score, which raises and lowers based on their use of their Welfare Credits. More use increases Social Credit, and simply leaving them to rot decreases Social Credit.

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