The Uprising of the Rakkari Organization in The Vast Drift | World Anvil
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The Uprising of the Rakkari

Sup B***hes, we're the Rakkari, first Empire in space, and hell yeah we're built. Gigastructures, or as you call them, "Megastructures," are everywhere. F**k you Dominion, we're the best out here, and we know it.


Built from the ground up, nearly every single layer of bureaucracy has been accounted for and planned ahead for the future, the Rakkari's super-intellgience shinning through within this extensively setup Technocracy. Lead by a single woman, "Octavia Pleshra," this Rakkari's recorded intelligence has been rated as the potential highest possible without modifications, and that's before the genetic perfections she's performed on herself. Her mind is capable of twisting quantum fields in an instant without practice - an extremely rare display.   Moving on, this Empire is what's known as a Technocracy. Democracy is strictly prohibited, as the likely hood of the matter is simple: The general people don't care about the advancement of technology, regardless of whether or not it's what they need. Because of this approach, the people here are almost completely workless, as everything is taken care of by dumb AI robots and machines. Nearly 99% of the population is out of a job, and they damn love it that way. Only the people who wish to work do, and because of this, society is much smoother and less reliant on people under a huge workload. However, this also means that the possible jobs are much lower, meaning those that do wish to work, either for something to do or to gain drastically more social standing, are often out of luck unless they can prove they'd be better for the job.

Public Agenda

The Uprising of the Rakkari have a simple message they'd like to get across: We'll help the best we can; ignoring us is your loss.


Featuring a massive array of drone ships piloted by a completely autonomous system, the Rakkari navy likely holds the most power in the least amount of ships, ranking nearly equally to the entirety of the Unity Bloc Fleet in nearly a 100th of the ships.   Fear the Prism Spheres; massive spherical drone vehicles capable of land-based traversal in almost any environment, completely autonomously with all armaments completely concealed under the extremely thick almost EMP-proof armor.


The Rakkari are first contact - their galactic history starts, as does the human's, with the introduction of the human science ship that warped into their system, just to say hi.

Demography and Population

With their ability to genetically enhance themselves at nearly a moment's notice, the Rakkari live on all sorts of planets, including those that are unlivable to most species, such as methane worlds.

Technological Level

The Rakkari are the only Empire in the entire Galactic Community to have a Tachyon Holo-Decompressor, which is a nice scientific way of saying that they extract energy through fuckin' time.

Foreign Relations

The Uprising of the Rakkari is intentionally self-isolating, but intentionally does it's best to give the tools to others to get them to the same point as the Uprising. Some Rakkari make it their life's goal to improve the lives of others, and the Faction itself has expressed it's willingness to annex any other faction to introduce logistics overhauls and technological integration, but these suggestions have been denied on a galactic scale citing either the unwillingness of its citizens due to lifestyle, or a disbelief in their ability to do so.   The Uprising of the Rakkari has simultaneously created hundreds, and are continuing to create more, of refugee ecumenopoli, all housed within their own borders, usually by performing system terraforming with planetary-printers, orbital readjustment, and solar stabilizers. These planets often fill with people being evacuated from war zones as the Q1 proxy war shifts and changes, or terrible planetary conditions, almost exclusively via the Free Fleet of Eden.


The Rakkarian Hypergate Network are mounted with civilian transport centers for safe and extremely quick transportation across the entire faction. For raw materials, networks of Phase Rails are mounted across the entire Faction, system by system, allowing for completely autonomous resource transfers.
Judicial Body
-Everything covered from head to toe in cameras and sensors, nothing requires a license here, not even the most dangerous of weapons. However, getting citizenship, which is required to register anything here, is a whole other story.   -Natural birth is outlawed. All citizens are sterilized before birth, as everyone is created from a genetic template within a grow vat. Becoming a citizen within the Uprising requires sterilization.   -Citizenship is not granted at birth. Children are first put through hundreds of "trials" that substitutes for the first three years of education. If you fail enough at these tests, you are considered genetically unfit for the country, and kicked out, synthesized upgrades if they show potential, or given the option to have a neural reconstruction. Getting Citizenship requires you to go through the same stages that the Rakkari children, and this is commonly cited as a reason of ridicule if you can't get through them, as you've literally lost to children, no matter if the children are born with the capacity to speak already.   -As a citizen, there is no such thing as money. Simply order what you want, it's fabricated on-world in minutes, shipped to you via autonomous rails, and when you're done with it, it goes in the recycling Atomizer.
Neighboring Nations

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