Atomizer Technology / Science in The Vast Drift | World Anvil
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A Truck the size of a small building, this monster rolls the roads, capable of ripping apart the very atoms of any given material and reassembling them into nearly any other material, even advanced molecular structures.


Used in conjunction with construction teams, this device is capable single-handedly allowing cities to be constructed in under a few weeks, not needing any form of advanced mining setup on the planet before hand.


The smallest throughput Atomizers require around 6 × 10^24 kg of mass to be collapsed into a blackhole, and often require around 10 years of planetary deconstruction to create. There's rumored to be a gigastructure in the works within the The Uprising of the Rakkari specifically made to create Atomizers within days.
Carrying a miniature artificial singularity made to rip apart atoms, this device requires millions of dollars of complex micro-tech to even begin construction on it.
Fun fact: If this vehicle ever runs out of power, it's possible to accidentally annihilate half a planet due to the internal singularity.

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