Eden Organization in The Vast Drift | World Anvil
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Welcome to Eden! By participating in our Faction, you’ve won yourself rights to two amazing benefits! Not only will our PROTECTOR Class Units be watching your back at every moment, but you get some free cash on the side!


Eden is run by a highly restrictive authoritarian government structure, headed by "Observer," a Jupiter Brain with the express purpose of running the perfectly fulfilling and pleasurable Faction of Eden. What exactly created this construct is unknown, as are its whereabouts, though its influence is well known in the massive drone population within the Faction that causes menial labor to be completely non-existent. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your idea of freedom, these Drones simultaneously act as observers, along with the extensive network of surveillance and monitoring, granting Observer a near omniscient perspective over every single individual in the Faction.   This incredible power and ability causes Eden to be almost completely under control of this AI, but for a majority of the civilians, that's a good thing. Free from back-breaking labor, citizens specialize and indulge themselves into passions they would never be able to otherwise, never worrying about supporting themselves or their family as Observer supplies basic needs to all within the borders. Any political leaders are often representatives of ideology and culture, making cases to Observer's ambassador Droids about changes from anything from specific individuals within Eden, to the entire structure of the Faction itself.

Public Agenda

Eden is the bastion of hope and prosperity in the cosmos, seeking to be the first faction you come to if you've been wronged. They provide benefits for living here, and only request that you accept absolute surveillance as payment.


Featuring more scouts than actual fleet ships, a majority of the protection Eden has is in their smart tactics and simple ship designs to keep them fighting to the very end.


Eden was founded after the creation of Observer, which has existed since at least 706.0001.   Within recent years, crime within Eden has skyrocketed, with the reason why being heavily investigated.

Demography and Population

All of Eden's planets are selected for habitation and easy work conditions. All planets are all within a specific close percentile to those of most species' homeworlds.


Eden heavily relies on their highly advanced cloaking tech named Voidshift Drives. Their design and ability is kept incredibly secret, and they claim that it's more than enough to get by even the Dominion's sensors, whom of course, claim bullshit, but I suppose we'll never know.

Technological Level

Eden's technology is mostly repurposed tech from Rakkarian designs, meant to be controlled by the single overlord, Observer.
Judicial Body
-Capital (otherwise known as Credits) is used almost exclusively to purchase entertainment, with almost all needs being completely free.   -By living in Eden, regardless of citizenship status, you consent to being searched, watched, monitored, and constantly scanned on a daily and nearly hourly basis. Your UUID is constantly reviewed, checked, and cross referenced with all public records.   -Patents are illegal. Any product produced, transported through, or sold within Eden space must be open to modification, reuses, and redesign by any individual that wishes it.   -Cause and Effect Clause: If an event were to happen, the chain of events that lead to the final action can be made, and the origin of the chain can be charged with “Cause and Effect.” In short, the clause states that if the action was preventable in the past, and the solution was outlined and clearly ignored, it is the fault of the person or organization that ignored it. In the case that the solution was not only ignored, but unlawfully refused, the charge at the end can be a compound of all other previous events.
Neighboring Nations

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