Redmayne Hermetic Academy Building / Landmark in the Unveiled World | World Anvil
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Redmayne Hermetic Academy

Known as the Red Academy, Redmayne Hermetic Academy is the most prestigious learning institution in the New World. Located in the city of Kingsport within the the Lost Coast, it receives new adepts every year and is the birthplace of several new Covens.   Students enrolling in the Red Academy must be ready to enter a highly demanding and agitated environment, albeit a rewarding one. As the axis of the conflict between the Old and New worlds, the academy has the best and worst of both to offer, and dilligent and dedicated adepts will find fertile ground to develop their skills.  

Political Roots

The founding of Redmayne Hermetic Academy was marked by the Council's political motivations. Intent in consolidating its hold in the New World and stopping a schism in western magical society - or, some say, keep its monopoly over political power - the Council allied itself with adepts disillusioned with the promises of New World separatists, led by Master Tobias Redmayne. The opening of a new academy with Council resources destabilized the Miskatonic Academy in Arkham, which led to its closing after a couple of decades. Growing in bulk and prosperity alongside the magical society of the United States, the Red Academy is seen today not only as a renowned learning institution, but also as the hand of the Council in the Americas.  

Academy Organization

As per Council rule, the Red Academy is led by the Chancellery, with the Chancellor as the highest authority assisted by the Pro-Chancellor. As a reflex of the New World's pragmatism, however, the rest of the faculty is divided differently. The academy has four departments divided by finality rather than discipline of study. They are led by Doyens, who accumulate the functions of traditional department divisions. These departments, in addition to official designations, are identified by symbols inspired in instruments used in the practice of magic.  
The Department of Spellcrafting, symbolized by the wand, is responsible for the seminal disciplines of magical knowledge. It is currently directed by Master Doyen Demian Lasseter. It was formerly called the Department of Hermetism, but this was changed by Chancellor Ashcroft.   The Department of Hunting, symbolized by the sword, is responsible for the study of magical creatures, uses of magic applied for self-defense and other disciplines concerned with the preservation of the Veil. It is currently directed by Magister Doyen Dana Sachs.   The Department of Mending, symbolized by the cup, is responsible for disciplines related to healing and reparation of magical disturbances. It is currently directed by Magister Doyen Rosamund Duval.   The Department of Artificery, symbolized by the pentacle, is responsible for disciplines concerned with the production of "perpetual magic", like alchemy, the confection of artifacts, magical arms and other crafts. It is currently directed by Magister Doyen Amadeu Salvador.
The Red Way
Much more than a simple administrative matter, the departmental division is an integral part of alumni life, as students are encouraged to funnel their studies and end up flocking to departments that best serve their interests. Many students become prefects or interns, starting their careers within the Academy itself. Shifts in power, changes of direction and board replacements, as well as (not always so) friendly cross departmental feuds and competitions all influence academy life greatly and, as such, become the subject of preoccupation and gossip. With so much of the administrative intrigue of the Academy leaking over to daily life, students absorbed symbology and language related to each department and developed a particular cant. This was embraced by faculty staff, department interns and prefects in informal occasions for ease of reading, elegance and fashion. Today it is a common sight to see department associates wearing card suits as badges during day-to-day activities. Spellcrafters wear the suit of Clubs, Hunters wear Spades, Menders wear Cups and Artificers wear Diamonds.



  • Chancellor Trismegistus Noah Ashcroft;
  • Pro-Chancellor Master Maeva Chevalier;

Faculty Doyens

  • Doyen Hermetist, Master Demian Lasseter;
  • Doyen Huntress, Master Dana Sachs;
  • Doyen Mender, Master Rosamund Duval;
  • Doyen Artificer, Master Amadeu Salvador.


Department of Hermetism

  • Master Custodian Zachary Bride - ritual superintendent, Custodian of the library;
  • Master Lilian Caulfield - ritualista;

Department of Hunting

  • Master Trey Quincy - Applied magic and self-defense;
  • Master Joseph Pike - study of magical beings;

Department of Mending

  • Master Griselda Hirsch - healer;
  • Magus Jackson Ratliffe - infirmary intern;
  • Magus Helena Miller - infirmary intern;

Department of Artificery

  • Magus Frederik Ohme - Smithing Supervisor;
  • Magus Amelia Morgan - Alchemy Supervisor;
  • Magus Fiona Corso - Alchemy Supervisor;


Chancellor: Trismegistus Noah Ashcroft   Pro-Chancellor: Magister Maeva Chevalier
Other Names
the Red Academy

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