Session 62: Laying the way Report Report in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Session 62: Laying the way Report

General Summary

The group heads to Venice to move on to Egypt for the great library of Alexandria. Before setting off, Grimmaz takes care of things in Eschbach.       Grimmaz takes 100 gold out of the treasury for everyone.       The group consisting of the following people:   Salapane, Anselma, Reolus, Amon, Alfie, Kullog, Grimmaz.           Grimmaz visits Father Tossil to get handed an introduction book on how to speak/read Egyptian.   Amon receives the book of Eibon, and holds a Sermon to get valiant people to protect the caravan.   Grimmaz also receives a small part of the mistletoe blood cloth.       Halfway on the journey, the group sees a messenger coming. It has a message for Reolus and a message for Anselma.       The letter for Reolus:   We know where you are, and we know where you're going. Hope to see you back shortly.   The letter is signed by the bladed pouch and has a black feather.       Another letter is handed to Anselma.   Hope you are well, hope we cross paths again soon. D.L.               The group continues on the way to Venice/Vienna. Once nearing the end of the alps, the group sees a merchant caravan that is mostly destroyed with different people around. The people lower their bows.       Grimmaz and Amon confront the bandit looking people informing what is happening.   The group explains that the merchants owed them money. The bandits are part of the Longbards. Which has issues with the Franks. Grimmaz decides to intimidate the owner looking person.       After being allowed passage, Grimmaz explains the difficult relationship between the longbards and the peoples republic and the franks.       Amon visits the church to stay there as a good Christian. Grimmaz and Reolus find a tree to rest at. Which Reolus cribs to scare away some ravens. Amon and a bishop prepare the boarding house to keep the party.       Amon hands the letter of father Tossil to the bishop of the church, after which taking care of arranging a sleeping place and breakfast. Grimmaz and Reolus go to the shore to buy some fish, after buying and eating the fish they go back to the church to sleep in the sleeping area Amon arranged.       The next morning the group the group heads to the docks to take the boat.       The boat ship type class leaves the harbor and heads South.       Along the journey the sea gets rough and a person got hit overboard due to the storm. Grimmaz throws a rope overboard to the sailor who is drowning, but the sea is too rough.   The captain looks with disapproval to the party.       After a few days the storm dies down and land becomes visible on the horizon. Reolus hides a few dead rats he caught in the captain's cabin.               Reolus and Anselma go look for clothes to buy. They come across a few guards who walk past. Reolus points out the sizes he needs 5 grownups, 1 kids, 1 baby. And the seller brings out different bits and pieces.   Reolus gives 6 gold to the elderly seller.       Grimmaz and Amon get spoken to by the town guards who have an emblem that is a black square and has some yellow circle on the inside. Amon doesn't recognize the symbol. The guards tell Grimmaz and Amon where they can find lodging. After some time they see Reolus and Anselma coming back with clothes.       The group gets lodging and gets told that the woman are to be separated from the man when sleeping, thus Anselma and Salapane will sleep separate from the males.       After making sure to have a sleeping place, the group listens in on a few conversations of the locals. There seems to be undead walking around since the last 2 months around pyramids.   There is also a rise on assassination and abductions. The authorities are keeping an eye out on that.       Amon hires Mister Naseen to guide the group to the library of Alexandria that received a bit of destruction.       Once at the library, Amon asks the librarian (a loxodon). Amon reads that Gru are spawns of the star.       Reolus looks for some information on local fauna/flora while keeping an eye around. Grimmaz informs about some local guilds around Alexandria.           Grimmaz remanences about some old enemies. After which the Loxodon will guide the party to the forbidden downstairs area. The party enters the dark beneath the library, even moving below sea level.       After pushing open a door, the group sees a massive cavern with torches around. The group stands around black sand with rocks chopped out at strange angles. The rocks being obsidian and onyx.

Rewards Granted

7800 XP
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
15 Sep 2023


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