Session 61: Finishing the Hamlet Report Report in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Session 61: Finishing the Hamlet Report

General Summary

Salapane goes to search for herbs. Amon goes being creepy and listening in on other people and getting to know the town. Reolus does the usual. Visits the inn for some breakfast and going to look for the elders if there's anything relevant to do.   Rumor:   There's trouble in a few other settlements in the local area. Some issues with trade caravans, sporadic money and goods disappearing. People accusing each other of theft.   To the east of Aachen there was a battle that Saxons and Franks fought over.     After Amon threw rocks at lots of tree's he went into town and into the inn to ask if they saw Reolus. And sees Reolus sitting there. Amon explains the rumor that the hamlet with the weird stone had something to do with an older fight. Reolus suggests to find Father Tossil as he is usually involved in anything related to that. And he will know more details and can contact the tower in Aachen if any questions remain.     After eating the group heads to find Father Tossil.     Father Tossil explains the previous attack and the possbility of Grue's.     Amon tries to court Anselma…   But gets scared when Anselma explains she's from another realm.     Father Tossil: Mission to get a small stamp that you can hit with a hammer/rock to stop anything from happening to it.   Amon gets introduced to Anselma. And Anselma introduces herself to Salapane.     Amon suggests that we get a stage coach with religious trinkets to ward off evil spirits to secure the rock.     Father Tossil will organize this. And to stamp on the lead to make a protective shield.   The group moves with the coach to the small hamlet with the leaded shield.     Amon moves up to the rock with lead in hand and covers it, the moves it back to the cart.   Reolus suggests to stay at the cart (Anselma, and Amon stay at the cart). Reolus and Salapane head into the hamlet and explore. The creature we killed earlier seems to be turned into a pool of goo which is soaking the ground.     There's footprints on the ground, the footprints have been made recently. One came in from the back of the building, multiple sets walked out of the building.     Salapane in another building sees a set of thin footprints, bit of claw-marks. Salapane hears some scratching from the backroom. A blueish glow from a aboration is visible.     The group pulls the aborations towards the open and fights them.     The group brings back the stone to Father Tossil, and Father Tossil gives 25 gold each. Father Tossil shares some information from the background of the stone.     Amon is distrustful of Father Tossil, Reolus argues that Father Tossil has been with the town for a long long time, and has proven his loyalty.     After some discussion, Father Tossil enters the inn, and strikes up a conversation with Amon. At which point the group starts planning to leave South.

Rewards Granted

7600 XP & 25 gold each.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
09 Sep 2023


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