Folder Countermeasure Technology / Science in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

Folder Countermeasure

The irony of the Folder Countermeasure is that in order to prevent folds in space to emerge in a certain place the countermeasure device has to be a Space Folder.

It was the invention of the Portable Folder that highlighted the need to prevent people from just folding space to get into any structure, especially since the very first use of the Portable Folder was to get into a bank vault. Places that already required other forms of security, to prevent unauthorized access, suddenly needed to also prevent folding technology.

The early models of the Countermeasure caused the person trying to pass through a fold to emerge inside the wall, killing the person. These models were replaced with newer ones that makes the traveler bounce back instead. Some people wanted to outlaw the early models, but eventually those models were deemed impolite, and the only reason they were replaced with the new ones was because it was such a hassle to clean up after people died that way. Some less reputable companies, such as the Senior Citizens Savings and Loans bank, still use the old model,

The Military version of the Countermeasure lets people through if they have a Dog Tag but bounce them if they don’t. However, while docked at the top floor of Ganymede Spire the ships of the Fleet tends to not use the Countermeasure. They rely on catamites trying to stowaway aboard, to get to Dionysos. All they have to do is track any human aboard who doesn’t have a dog tag, and catch them. The punishment for attempting to stowaway on a ship of the Fleet is Conscription, and the minimum age is fifteen. It’s the primary method of replenishing the ranks of the Fleet and Marine Corps.


Banks, Jewelers, Gold Reserves and other such places often have double Folder Countermeasures, one to prevent unauthorized access to the premises and a second one that protects the vault(s). Even large safes sold to private individuals have Countermeasures against folds, and the same goes for panic rooms.

Power stations and other installations that might be targeted by hostile forces, are protected by Folder Countermeasures.

Access & Availability
Businesses and authorities that need to prevent unauthorized access to their premises.

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