Attica Class Freighter Vehicle in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

Attica Class Freighter

The Attica Class Freighter was manufactured about five thousand years ago on Lacedaemon. Ten thousand ships were produced of the model, before they discontinued it in favor of more sleek looking and practical designs. The ships remained in use for nearly two thousand years, and in the end only half a dozen remained. At that time they’d become popular among smugglers and space pirates, who were the only ones to use them, at that time. The majority of those six ships were destroyed in a battle, though not much is known about that battle.

Only one ship of the class remains in use, Procrustes, which became infamous during the Dave Keller trial as the pirate ship of the Space Pirate Captain Dave “Dreamer” Keller. But it was revealed that Dave Keller was never Captain of Procrustes, he was just a naive boy who was made patsy for someone else’s crimes.

More recently a similar design was used, by the same ship building company on Lacedaemon, for the smaller and slightly less ugly Charon Class Troop Transports for the Coalition Space Fleet.

Power Generation

Class II Star in a Jar Fusion Reactor


Rockets and thrusters, in conjunction with Navigational Space Folder

Weapons & Armament


Armor and defense


Communication Tools & Systems

Holo call technology, via radio. Needs space folder for interstellar communication.


Used by
Ugly Box
Complement / Crew


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