Mistress of Black Wings - Competition

A human goddess of the Northwestern Reaches, known as the Goddess of the Lost and Betrayed.   The Mistress has long been seen with contempt in thier home region of the Northwestern Reaches - as a collector of all things lost and abandoned, she is the patron of theives and rogues - but also orphans and illegitimate children. As such, worship of the Mistress has long been tolerated, though frowned upon. Though much of this comes from her other domain - that of the betrayed, and in turn, those seeking revenge.   The Mistress was a divine crow, discovered as a baby by Vagin, God of Sky and head of the Reaches's Pantheon. He took in the abandoned crow chick, and from his powerful influence they grew into a more humanoid daughter with wings the color of the rainbow and a singing voice just as beautiful. But Vagin's daughters by his wife, Gryla, grew jealous of their sibling's beauty. Gryla, too, held the crow-child in contempt - as she was clearly Vagin's favorite child as a creature of the sky.   So the three conspired - they waited until Vagin left on a campaign, and laced the Mistress's wine at dinner. They plucked her many colored feathers as she slept, adorning their own mantles with them. One sister cut her vocal chords, before the other cast her into the mortal Human Realm. When she finally woke, the Mistress first dispaired - for how would her father find her without her bright wings and clear call?   But dispair turned to anger - and she sought out Vagin's disowned son, Karn, God of War and Carnage. The two formed a fast alliance - Karn having also felt the sting of betrayal for being tossed aside when his father no longer needed a warhammer to lead with. But rather than fueling each others' anger, the pair tempered each other. The Mistress took care of those left behind by Karn's battles, and he came to understand why his father shifted to leading with diplomacy rather than his fist. In turn, the Mistress saw through watching Karn's campaigns in the mortal realm that their revenge would also lead to nothing but endless battle with the other gods. While neither could fully forgive their family for casting them out and aside, the pair came to the decision that peace was the better route for them to take.   When Vagin finally found his favorite daughter, it was to the shock of her marriage to his disowned son. The pair gave Vagin their word that they would keep the peace, if he would allow Karn to return to the Divine Realm - though it was perhaps the Mistress's promise that she would never speak to the Sky God again that convinced Vagin to agree.   While there have been tense moments and skirmishes with lesser gods, Karn and the Mistress have long kept their word not to attack Vagin, Gryla, or their other children directly. As a wedding present and apology, Vagin returned the Mistress's stolen feathers in the form of a mantle. She gifted this to her husband, who crafted her a crown befitting his queen in turn.   Worship of the pair has become more popular in the current era - specifically in the country of Kaber after the self-named Bastard Brigade took over the country in a meticulously planned but bloodless coup.   Template article: Mistress of Black Wings
Read Demon King's Gardener, the serial webnovel set in the world of the Thirteen Realms.


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