Divine Realm

One of the Outer Ring Realms of the Supernal Triad, known for its powerful residents.


The Divine Realm has no set geography - the reality of this realm is malleable, and the influence of the deities that live there shapes it greatly. When two deities grow close, their domiciles will suddenly be close as well - and the same is true for deities that grow apart. If a deity wishes to walk remote places, there will be remote places a plenty for them to tred - though the world around more powerful deities can not be shifted by those weaker.


The ecosystem similarly adapts to the needs and desires of its residents - deities of hunting have all the prey they desire, and deities of harvest have endless bountiful fields.


As with all other aspects of the Divine Realm, the climate is controlled by its inhabitants - deities of storms living in constant maelstroms, and those of calm skies in eternal peace.
Magical Realm

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