Scopulae Ethnicity in The Terrene | World Anvil
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Desert Elves

We'd seen the maps, and it looked so simple to cut off a day's travel. Sure, it was rocky, and some time would be wasted winding through the canyons, but it saved such a huge distance. We were hoping it would be cooler, too, if we were shaded from the worst of the heat. With the water saved from the shorter time and a cooler trip, this could give us the most profitable caravan traversing the desert.

It was as we were going down one of those canyons that our mistake was made clear. It started when a single rock came crashing down from somewhere above, crushing the skull of the captain of the caravan guards. We had no idea at first what happened - it looked like incredibly bad luck, because who could aim a stone like that, right? Well, as everyone gathered to gawk at what had once been the captain and try to figure out what was going on, a whole lot more rocks came raining down, and next thing you know, half the group was dead or dying. Then the stones themselves came alive around us - they just stood up, and they weren't stones, they were elves. They started in with the slings, and people started dropping.

Did I run? You're damned right I did! I took a rock to the arm, and it broke the bone. Still hasn't healed right. I was no good to anyone there, so I spurred that horse as fast as I could back towards civilization. Barely made it, and lost my horse in the process. Now I'm stuck here, bad arm, no way to go anywhere, but the people back at the city would certainly pay to know what happened to the caravan. If you could loan me just a few coins, I promise to send it back, with interest!

— Tale told by a filthy beggar
Trading Post of Marqash

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Mana, Maju, Zafar, Mehri, Annab, Handi, Aned, Khani, Aneh, Arim, Chala, Zami, Saeeda, Yavin, Golba, Avar, Neham, Mouzi, Hari, Rigan

Masculine names

Dolli, Izat, Kami, Zemi, Asrad, Yavat, Himi, Andih, Mani, Rafi, Rasha, Nori, Mina, Avim, Meena, Pury, Abbar, Nouri, Zadi

Family names

Atif, Sayla, Habai, Shahi, Ashayr, Maha, Ghabi, Hoba...

Species Information

Species Information Desert elves split from their cousins when a catastrophe hit the land before recorded history. The elves left behind adapted to their new land, and made it their home. Eventually, climates shifted again, and the land healed. Some of the desert elves stayed behind, and rejoined other tribes, while others wandered the Terrene, looking for the wide open vistas and stark beauty that they knew. Some have settled in every desert of note, although the densest population are in the Marklan Desert in northern Hellonde . Not many others have attempted to settle the area, and they reign supreme. Scopulae have keen senses and intuition, and blend in with the rocky terrain of their native deserts. Desert elves flourish in harsh conditions, but jealously guard their lands. They use their extensive knowledge of the terrain to their advantage.   Desert elves skin is often the color of the deserts they inhabit - some sandy, others red and brown. Hair color is usually a variation on skin tone. They favor clothes that blend with the land and cover much of their bodies, providing protection from the sun and sandstorms.
Desert Elves

Scopulae Traits

Sling Master The sling is the primary weapon of Scopulae, and as such the Sling Master feat is common to the subrace.   Ability Score Increase Life in the deserts is not for the weak. The desert elves have adapted to the harsh climes, and are hardier than other elves. This results in a +1 bonus to Constitution.   Elf Weapon Training You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.   Fleet of Foot Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.   Blend Whenever you are in desert or rocky terrain, you are harder to see. Any cover, or clothes designed for the specific region, will allow you to hide (if hiding just with clothing, some distraction is necessary to hide in combat). If the desert elf hides before being detected at all, Apply a -10 to all detection checks.

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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