Lennithon Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Lennithon is an adult blue dragon that allied with the Cult of the Dragon during the Great Dragon War. He notably fought the Breadwinners twice, during the Raid on Tumbleton and when he retrieved the Helm of the Red Dragon at Xonthal's Tower, and survived both encounters.


  In 1487, the burgeoning rogue Legolass joined a daring operation to steal from the hoard of Lennithon the dragon. The mission was only partially successful, as the crew obtained some gold, but the act of disturbing the hoard drew Lennithon's attention, who descended upon the thieves with a fiery vengeance. Legolass escaped with her meager earnings and her life and, aware that dragons can hold grudges, used those funds to buy her enrollment at Gregory Tumbleton University, knowing that its Aethercore would protect her if Lennithon returned.   On the 9th of Elient, 1491 Lennithon aided the Cult of the Dragon in the Raid on Tumbleton to secure the Aethercore and extract their leader, Don Rel. Lennithon mostly stayed in the air, spraying the town with lightning, and appeared overall disinterested in attacking the small town. This changed when he noticed the present of Legolass, and he began attacking the University with renewed vigor. However, Lennithon was unable to kill the rogue before Don Rel ordered a retreat to the cult's base outside of Tumbleton, forcing Lennithon to forgo his vengeance.   Almost a year later, in 1492, Lennithon was stationed in Xonthal's Tower, protecting the cultists who were studying the Helm of the Red Dragon. Lennithon was away when the Breadwinners entered the tower and retrieved the helm, but returned shortly after the adventurers had obtained it. To draw them out of the tower, Lennithon began attacking the hamlet, forcing the Breadwinners to intervene. They did so, but Lennithon was able to steal back the Helm of the Red Dragon and flew away before the Breadwinners could stop him.
by Wizards of the Coast
Lennithon attacking Gregory Tumbleton University during the Raid on Tumbleton
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization


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