The Primal Pantheon Organization in The Sundered Sky | World Anvil
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The Primal Pantheon

The Primal Pantheon contains some of the oldest of the lesser gods. These gods are generally connected to different aspects of nature, and commonly interact with the Full Deities, whose control over various elements result in fairly frequent overlap with the domains of the Primal Gods. The Primal Gods largely keep to themselves and their individual domains, though in times when the balance of nature as a whole is threatened they will unite to protect it. Followers of the Primal Gods are usually those who live away from cities and towns, and are more connected with the natural world. Conclaves of Druids, Tribal Bands, and small villages on the outskirts are the most likely places to find centers of worship for the Primal Gods, as those are the places where the trials of nature are much closer to heart than more abstract ideals such as justice and honor.

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