Ebony Fortress Building / Landmark in The Stones of Alderon | World Anvil
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Ebony Fortress

The home of the royal family and the largest castle in Alderon. It's sleek yet elegant design displays the wealth and power of the ruling family. It houses various workers visitors and guests throughout it's inner pale blue and white marble stone. The castle gets it's name because of the black stone that comprises the outside walls. It is rumored that a material from a different plane was used in the construction of the stone. The mortar in between the stones was mixed with gold flakes giving them a bight yellow sheen in the daylight, yet do not interfere with the camouflage the castle gains due to the black stones at night.

Purpose / Function

It's original purpose was to house the soldiers and families of the first men who came to the land. It has since been built upon and around until it became the castle it is today.


Medieval architecture, it is made of stone of an unknown composition. Upon approaching the castle another semi circle wall, "The true center" it is called by the elite of the inner circle protects the castle and it's inhabitants. This wall, while smaller and thinner than the main three walls, stands firm with it's own set of murder holes, archer points, and rotating guard. One doorway is the only entrance on this wall. Past that lies the moat around the castle. The water, fetid from the sewage that is siphoned from the castle, bubbles in patterns that makes it seem that there is something living in the putrid waters surrounding the castle. A drawbridge as black as the castle the only way to cross the noxious moat and reach the tall adamant steel door of the castle.
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