Orders from Numitor Document in The Stars Beyond | World Anvil
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Orders from Numitor

From: The Senate of the Galactic Coalition of Worlds    To: Captain Ruck Harriman of the GCS Argus   
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  Your Eyes Only:   Please be advised that you are required to peacefully recover Ambassador Leonard Moura from the Ahzuuri planet Stone at your earliest convenience.  Commander Deacon of Gurgan Station can give you advice on how to proceed with the extraction.   After recovering Ambassador Moura from Stone, report to Star-Admiral Clarke  at Lethe Station, he will provide you with Top Secret tactical information which should aid you in the execution of your mission, and future missions. The information you will receive is vital to the security of the Coalition. It cannot be stressed enough the importance of maintaining the security of this intelligence.   You are requested to then deliver the Ambassador to Tosi Station in Sector Psi IX, where he will receive his diplomatic dossier for his review.  Please put yourself to the service of the Sector until such time as the Ambassador is ready to proceed.  At his convenience, you shall escort him to the planet Tzinu in Grey Sector XZ8-E7-Psi.   Upon delivering the Ambassador to his new station at Tzinu, you will welcome the Tzinuian ambassador aboard and show them the best the Galactic Coalition of Worlds can offer. Then you will deliver them to the exchange point on Driftrock, in Sector Rho XIII, in the Rho Province, from which he will be transported on to Numitor.   You are responsible for the first impression the Tzinu ambassador will develop regarding the Coalition. We have confidence in your ability to successfully carry out your missions.   As you are aware, the absence of Star-Admiral Gvan has been a hardship, not only to you and the other captains of the seventh fleet, but to the Star Watch as a whole, and the entirety of the Galactic Coalition of Worlds. We wish to thank you for your diligence in serving the Coalition. Your service has been noted and will be rewarded. You have friends on Numitor.
Report, Military


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