Long Haul Space Truckers
Basic piloting license, further licensing and training is secured through in house training. Experience with driving truck on Terra an asset but not expected.
Career Progression
There are four types of driving gigs available. Cargo, fuel, water, and mining. Cargo is anything that can be shipped in containers, food resources and finished products or products going to assembly plants in other outposts are the general fare of the cargo runners. Fuel is self explanatory. Anything that can be used for fuel, generally that is hydrogen and other gases being collected such as methane from Saturn. Very few fossil fuels are still used anywhere within the solar system considering the choices available for fuelling space craft. But outposts still require different kinds of energy and refuelling options since not everything can contain a cold reactor.
Water is shipped all over the system usually in solid form for easier managing to get it water reclamation plants. Some is transported in liquid state but that requires special licensing as liquid shipments are extremely dangerous due to the physics of gravity on a liquid under pressure.
Finally mining cargo is unrefined or partially refined metals from the asteroid belt shipped to the plants that refine them through the belt. These are generally shorter routes and some of the more lucrative jobs as they are highly bonused out. THose nearing retirement tend to pick up two or three year contracts with a mining company to ship metals and other minerals through the belt.
Payment & Reimbursement
Payment is very lucrative with sighing bonuses and training being well compensated for those willing to risk work on the space roads, an inter-planetary shipping lanes spread from Mercury all the way to Kuiper belt and back.
- Level 1 License: 100,000 Credits per SOL Year with 5,000 credit signing bonus and a secondary 5,000 credit bonus after the first year.
- Level 2 License Fuels: 150,000 Credits per SOL Year, Same initial Bonus, with an additionally 10,000 Credit bonus per annum
- Level 3 License: 250,000 Credits per SOL Year, Same Initial Bonus, with 15,000 credit bonuses On completion of each contract (on avg 4 contracts per SOL for an additional 45K)
- Level 4 License: Contract Based, smallest contract is 300,000, half up front, largest contract on the books is with Astral Ventures Co is 1,500,000 credits with a 1,000,000 bonus on completion.
Other Benefits
All transporters receive full benefits, with comprehensive healthcare, dental, and any upgrades or limb replacement as necessary.
Without Space Truckers nothing would get anywhere. They ship, move, and haul large cargo from one end of the solar system to the other through dangerous and often fatal parts of space. Absolutely anything can and does happen on the space roads, from space pirates to rogue comets.
Social Status
Despite the lucrative benefits it's not a well sought after gig, the dangers are plentiful with long days, weeks, months on the roads without another person in sight for that entire time. Space in the cabin is small and there isn't much chance of going through the ranks. The mining gigs are few and far between and considered unicorn gigs. But the draw for two or three years at a level one or two is enough to purchase a chance for citizenship and gain permanent employment ground side on any location except Terra or the Moon.
Most space truckers are ex-terrans or folks from the Moon looking to make the jump to full space citizen and don't have family or anyone to vouch for them for the citizenship lotteries.
Long Haul Space Cargo ships are designed to look like the old terran long haul trucks, with a main cab, engine and connected cargo bays.
Dangers & Hazards
Robbery, accidents, explosions, vacuum and blow outs in the cabin, rogue comets and trojan asteroids, gravity wells, improper containment of cargo, space debris.
Oh and pirates.
Alternative Names
There is always work in the field but it is not for everyone, space truckers reuquire a specific kind of person, one used to being alone.
Completely legal and above board, except when it's not.
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Well, if they would get the limbs back... :P