Wolpertinger Species in The Sagas | World Anvil


One of the more stranger creatures that came out of the Awakening. A mix of several species of animals, these creatures have managed to survive thus far and flourished. Along with being annoying when they use their mating call which sounds like a dying cat. But they are cute in their own little way.

Basic Information


It is a bazar creature with the body of a rabbit, wings of an owl, and antlers of a deer. It has four leg and powerful muscles for flight and speed. But a strong yet light bone structure.

Biological Traits

For some reason, a Wolpertinger has the ability to create electricity through its antlers to fire an electrical blast to attack and their fur coats can also store up electricity and discharge it on any threats that might come near it.

Genetics and Reproduction

They often lay eggs which take month to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wolpertingers often take a year to fully grow. During that time they learn how to fly and gain a extra layer of fur to store electricity in.

Ecology and Habitats

They often make their home in forest where they make their homes and hunt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are surprisingly omnivorous often eat any plants that is edible and often hunt small animals often electrocuting them to death.

Biological Cycle

During the sparing they make their homes in trees and in the winter they make burrows to hibernate for the winter.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Wolpertingers often live in family groups of ten to twenty. Often following a leader that helps them survive, they are often the strongest of them all and gain more resources then the rest of the group. The groups work together in order for the everyone survival. Often attacking in swarms when hunting or defending their nests. Female are often the ones in charge of these groups as they are large and the males go looking out for food while they defend the nests.


A domesticated Wolpertinger, must be born into captivity, as wild one are uncontrollable. Once that is done they are more friendly around people. They made excellent guard dog as well and are very loyal.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Pretty much everything is valuable on a Wolpertinger, its meat for food, fur for clothing and gathering electricity, horns as trophies. Even their eggs are considered a delicacy.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are often found on the continent of Dageth inside forested areas.

Average Intelligence

They are crafty creatures that know how to solve problems and have predatory instincts that involve pack hunting and ambushes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a 150 degree range of sight, highly sensitive ears and a acute sense of smell.
Scientific Name
Class: Magic Born
46 years
Conservation Status
There are around five hundred thousand of the running about.
Average Height
Average Length
18 inches
Average Physique
They are very fast whether they are in they are on the ground or in the air.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown, white, grey, black, and tan fur.

Cover image: Wolpertinger by Thomas Kempkes


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