Pirates Military Formation in The Sagas | World Anvil




Depending on the size of the ship and number of ships under a flag, pirates can number from twenty to a thousand or more.


Pirates needs tools to repair their ship if it’s damage, carpentry tools and sowing kit are a necessity and could mean life and death on the open ocean. The grappling hook was also need to board ships or reach unreachable places. The rest was just nautical equipment to get to place to place.


Sea warfare has it advantages and disadvantages so you need the right weapon for the job. The basic weapons for the job are the cutlass, boarding axe, boarding pike, scimitar and buckler. Which very useful on open seas, but with the Sea Kings they have access to Dwarven Gunpowder given access to flintlock weaponry, cannons, and explosives.


Ships are the only thing that pirates use.


The Captain of the fleet is a captain that commands several ship which they all take commands from. They are the one who plan massive naval assaults and raids. The Fleet Sargent is the the fleet captains first mate and often rely commands from the captain. Captains are each in charge of a ship that the crew elected them to their position. Captains are often give freedom as much as want and do what ever they want. But if they are in a fleet they have to follow orders.The First Mate is the second in command of the captain and chosen by them. They are in charge of keeping the crew in line and keep the ship in order. The Quarter Master is also elected by crew to keep charge of resources and divide loot they took. They are often seen as keeper of the peace on the ship and can try crew members that commit crimes on the ship. They are highly respect by the crew. The Sailing Master was in charge of navigation and sailed the ship making it vital form them to stay alive since most of the crew don't know how to sail a ship. The Weapons Master is in charge of keep all the weapon in shape, this also goes of for artillery on the ship which are often a Ballista, scorpion or onager. The rest would just be the crew who often where placed in groups depending on what occupation they had on the ship. Such as carpenters, surgeons, riggers, sailors, boatswains, swabbies and cabin boys.


Since they are often outmatched in every way, pirates have been known for their craftiness when it comes to raiding and stealing. The false flag is a standard to all pirates, which involves a pirate waving the flag of a targets nation to keep off guard and unaware of what is about to happen. Once they get close enough they quick board the ship and raise their flag soon after. Their flag of course was also a fear tactic since the pirates wanted the ship and it valuables on board. It would often mean surrender or die to the crew of they were targeting. If they tries to get away they would often use grappling hooks to lock on to their ship and shoot a them with crossbows to stop them from cutting the rope. Another way to board as ship was to use the life raft to sneak up from behind while they were busy with the main ship. Once the ship was capture they often executed the captain of the ship to make them an example, if they but up stiff resistance they killed everyone on board to leave a message. Pirates often try to use everything to their advantage, especially the weather with them often using it to cover their approach, weather it was fog or a storm. For raiding settlements they often attacked at night to have the element of surprise and often burn builds to distract the inhabitants while they went on loot. As them on land they would often use guerrilla tactics to catch the enemy by surprise and to lower casualties. Torture is also used in some case for individuals who know the locations of caches of loot, but it only used when necessary. it is also common for pirates to use surveillance for potential targets to go after before they set sail on order to find out where to attack on the route they are taking.


Most pirates are just sailer who weren't paid as much when they joined, others could be escaped slaves, captured sailors, criminals, or natives from foreign lands. Most skill were gained from experience their previous occupations. Most of which required on how to sail a ship. Those didn't learned during their voyages.


Logistical Support

All that a pirate has is on the ship he is working on, a cook, carpenter, surgeon, and a navigator is all they need to keep the crew and ship in good condition.


Pirates from different crews have known to be hired by nations in time of war as privateers. Warships have been known to fight beside them, as for the rest it depends on the region that they reside in.


As long a pirate is given a fair share of loot they remain happy, the price varies from pirate to pirate.


Pirate often sailors who lost their jobs, criminals escaping justice or captured by other pirates to join their crew. Most often they have to sign a contract with the ship's captain for a certain period of time. They will not be able to leave the crew before the contract expires.


Pirates have known throughout the lands of men for thousands of year, as they terrorized the islands and coastal settlements of the world and loot ships that they came across. Piracy is quite a common thing and they can be found anywhere. No matter how hard people try to get rid of them more just come and take their place. In today’s standards pirates tend to keep to Isles of Refuge as a safe haven since everyone wants to kill a pirate. While the smaller crews just tend to raid only ships the fleets tend territorize the coasts by raiding ports they come across off. There have been many infamous pirates that have left their mark on the world from Redeye Jeb to Sirius Kerts have had thier names past down for generations, they make quite the catchy ballad too. They are from all corners of the world and they care not for race and gender for they need all the help they can get in this life. But must of all they have been know hid their loot when they have to much heat on them, which some never come back to get it. Which is why many treasure hunters and other pirates have been known to go after them. The finding those less infamous pirates is easy, but the higher you go up the less likely you will be coming back.

Historical loyalties

A pirate’s own loyalty is to themselves and will rarely give it to a captain he sails under, they more likely to slit his throat while he’s sleeping. Money is what really keeps them in line.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by

Cover image: Pirate Arena by velinov


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