
A rabbit with attitude

Be wary, be wary, when the Jackalope is near, it will run you down before you know it is even here! - Trent nursery rim

Basic Information


The Jackalope is a four-limbed rabbit-like creature with horns that has that sprout out of its head. Most of its strongest muscles are found in its legs which are supported by a strong skeletal structure to support the muscles.

Biological Traits

Male jackanapes are much larger than females and females do not have horns. According to the legend during ancient times, the elvish god of the wilds created the jackalope when he saw how much of a disadvantage that rabbits had in the wilded often being hunted by everything and decided to even the playing field by combining the rabbits with deer and wolf essence creating the jackalope to hunt all those who had hunted them before.

Genetics and Reproduction

They breed sexually and a litter can give birth after a month.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes a Jackalope over a year to grow. During that time they grow slowly in size with their claws and fangs getting sharper. Along with males slowly developing their horns.

Ecology and Habitats

Jackalopes live in forested areas where food is plentiful and live in underground warrens.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The jackalope often hunts in packs when hunting food and it will kill its prey with either its horns, teeth, or claws and with carrying its meal back to its den to feed on it uninterrupted. They will often run down their meals with the great speed that they have.

Biological Cycle

Jackalopes are active all year round but shed their fur in spring and it thickens in winter.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They often live hierarchies when a warren is established and it can be seen with who is grooming who. But that can often change as infighting constantly happens whether it is over food or mates. There are even some cases of cannibalism with the weaker jackalopes killed for food or kill to be made a warning for other rivals would try to rise the ranks and remove much stronger males. as for the females they are often obedient and make the tunnels for the warren and nature the young while they go out hunting for food.


They often have to be separated from the mother at a very young age and be used to people around them as well as disciplined to obey the owner's every command. This forces out the feral nature of the creature and they either act like a cat or a dog. A domesticated jackalope is a tricky thing since it can tear you to pieces at a moment's notice. But they can quite the officiant guard dogs if you are into that sort of creepy thing. Just keep them away from wild jackanapes or it will not end well.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Jackalopes are often hunted for their horns, fur, and meat. With the horns used as trophies, the meat for food, and the fur for fur coats and leather.

Facial characteristics

Rabbit like facial features, with glowing red eyes and razor sharp teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Many of these vicious creatures can be found in the northern regions in the Continent of Kinath in forested areas Such as the Heartwood and Wailing Hollow.

Average Intelligence

Jackalopes are social creatures in nature, but they can be aggressive even against their own kind. They even have their own personalities with some being hyper and others being independent. They can quickly think on their feet at a moment's notice and make split decisions when necessary.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Jackalopes rely on sight, smell, and hearing to allow them to hunt. The Jackalope is farsighted and cannot see clearly when something is up close. But its hearing is remarkably powerful since it hears every in all directions. Its smell is highly powerful as well since it can instantly identify what animal it smells and where it exactly is.
Scientific Name
Class: Monsterous
8 - 10 years
Conservation Status
Due to them being part rabbit, their numbers are often in high numbers due to this and no matter how much one can try to get rid of them, they always seem to have more coming out of nowhere.
Average Height
Male: 24–26 inches Female: 22–24 inches
Average Weight
Male: 66–88 lbs Female: 49–71 lbs
Average Length
10 - 8 1/2
Average Physique
These creatures a very fast and can easily take down larger prey than themselves, with some researchers that studied them say that they can reach the speed of 70mph. The speed alone and can easily cause serious damage if they use their horns during their charge.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
white, black, tan, grey, red

Cover image: Jackalope by Vesner


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Sep 15, 2021 22:27

The image is cursed

Sep 15, 2021 22:31

Also, I'm pretty sure it's "Evening the playing field", not "Evening the plain field"