Deathly Warmth Condition in The Sagas | World Anvil

Deathly Warmth

To those who often face death they cannot find peace as fear and dispair control their every thought, But the Deathly warmth is something of a peaceful death as they will know nothing but warmth and peace in their final moments, it something of a cursednblessing if might call it that. - Deron Kemmsly, Doctor


The Deathly warmth is often found in the elderly as grow older and older, with it generally being caused by the slowly decaying to a unknown element and slowly stops all motor functions later on.


  • Warm fuzzy feeling
  • Fever
  • Lost of bodily functions
  • Memory loss
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Hallucinations


There is no treatment as it is mostly in the brain and the brain is slowly decaying unable to heal itself. But their are way to slowly stop the warmth from spreading for a time, with it often being made from specially made potions filled with many ingredients that help stop the deterioration and allow the afflicted to function and think normally.


Death is always the end result for the condition and the person will likely die in a few weeks as it progresses. But some will go a lot quicker if they interact with more heat accelerating the degeneration.


The elderly will always die as an end result of the disease.

Affected Groups


  There is no escape for the elderly as they slowly given a pieceful death as the diease takes hold with most of the enjoy it as they put in an hullcigentic state,


It can not be prevented as it is a natural thing that is all put accelerated.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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